
Is baby food safe?

(image via photo.elsoar.com )


All parents are very concerned about their baby’s growth and development. A number of food safety issues have occurred in recent years, including toxins in milk powder, vegetables tainted with pesticides, “organic” vegetables contaminated with heavy metals, and similar issues seem to occur again and again. Babies’ digestive systems, immune systems and developing brains are fragile, and damage sustained may follow them for their lifetime.

In the United States, where food safety is very much a concern, OPCOM Farm offers products that enable growing one’s own safe and healthy produce, especially with families with busy working parents in mind. OPCOM Farm’s newly announced hydroponic systems is a great fit in the American market where there is a strong focus on food safety as well as healthy living.


In just a few quick steps a busy career parent can start growing their own clean vegetables indoors. Without taking time away from caring for their children, they are able to produce a big harvest of fresh vegetables. OPCOM Farm’s GrowBox unit can produce up to 50 plants at a time, and the space-saving GrowWall up to 75. Other consumer models of hydroponic systems are limited to 6-20 plants. With OPCOM Farm’s products, you can grow several times as much, making them much more economical in the long run.

GrowBox (image via opcomlink USA)

When used in a school setting, OPCOM Farm systems can help children take responsibility for growing their own food, increase their knowledge of plants, and when the harvest is incorporated into their diet, help enhance their mental focus. Additionally, the living, breathing plants in a unit helps clean the indoor air and provide oxygen, contributing to a strong immune system to fight off ailments such as the flu. And adding a green element to the classroom enhances the school learning experience.

GrowWall (image via opcomlink USA)

OPCOM Farm has two models available; one is the tabletop automated gardening system GrowBox, and the other is a vertical gardening system named GrowWall. With its promotional pricing post launch, the units are creating a stir in the U.S. market. Learn about this opportunity to protect your children’s food safety and engaging in their education; promoting a healthy mind in their healthy body!

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